Name of Owner's Representative(If Any) Address of Owner's Representative
Name of Present Owner *
Address of Present Owner *
E-mail Id of Present Owner *
Mobile Number of Present Owner *
Name of New Owner *
Address of New Owner *
E-mail Id of New Owner*
Mobile Number of New Owner*
Desired Username *
Name of Vessel *
Category of Vessel * Sub Category of Vessel
Length of vessel(In Meters) * Breadth of Vessel(In Meters) *
Depth of Vessel(In Meters) * Vesseltype *
Year of Completion Sub Vessel Type
Registered Year of Existing Vessel *
Carefully Enter Registered year of your vessel...Further processing of vessel based on this year.
Register Number of Existing Vessel *
Carefully Enter Register Number of your vessel...Further processing of vessel based on this number.
Registration No: of Vessel
Gross tonnage of vessel* Place of Last Survey
Payment Type *
DD Amount * DD NO: *
DD Date * Payable At *
Bank Details Payable at in favour of * Port of Registry *
Select District * Favour who *
Notary Attested Copy
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Seller's ID card copy
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Buyer's ID card copy
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Declaration of Seller
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